savings advice
Every little gesture counts

Turn off the lights whenever you can
The gesture of turning off the lights when leaving is the first gesture and the simplest way to start saving on electricity.

Use low-energy light bulbs
There are many advantages to using energy-saving light bulbs: it reduces energy consumption by illuminating at the same intensity, they last longer and pollute less.

turn off the computers
Do not always leave them connected to the current. Turn them off and, in addition to saving energy, you will extend the life of the appliances.

Use natural light whenever you can
Whenever you can, you should choose houses with a wide variety of interior windows.

Buy appliances with the energy saving seal
They are seals so that consumers can differentiate appliances that consume less energy from those that are more polluting.

Program the thermostats
Set the air conditioning thermostats between 24˚ and 26˚ and the heating thermostats between 19˚ and 21˚.

Install insulators
Install insulators on doors and windows to maintain the temperature inside your home or business.

disconnect the chargers
Disconnect chargers from cell phones and other devices if you are not using them.

use extensions
Use extensions to be able to disconnect several devices at the same time when you are not using them.

Standby consumes energy
Turn off devices when not in use; O standby consumes energy.